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Showing posts from November, 2020


Writing about Covid is a little distressing. Here in Korea we are entering what seems to be a “third wave.” But trust the Koreans to turn it into an occasion for hope. Check out this ten-minute video of an amazing drone show that the Korean government put on a couple of weeks ago that highlights getting through the covid year 2020 as a great achievement: Inspired by the outlook I have experienced here in Korea, I prepared a short theological reflection on Covid-19 and Christmas for the PROK. Let me share it with you here as my Advent gift to you: When the first wave of coronavirus arrived earlier this year, I got through by bracing myself and trusting that things would eventually return to normal. But now that we have experienced it for several months now, I know that life is not going to go back to the way it was. What has changed? What have we learned? 1. We are all interconnected. This is not a cliché. From the first recor...