Hello everyone!
Wherever you are in world, I invite you to join with me in tuning into a special online worship service in support of the United Church of Canada's ten thousand peace signature campaign aimed at putting a formal end to the Korean War, with a reflection from the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, Rev. Eun-kyung Kim.
It will take place on Wednesday, April 27 at 9:00 am Eastern Time.
More information (and links to the service) can be found here:
Worship Service with Rev. Eun-kyung Kim
If the time is not convenient for you (it will be 7 am in Alberta, and 10 pm in Korea!), you can watch the service on the United Church's Youtube channel at a later time. (Follow the links)
The United Church of Canada is aiming to gather 10,000 Canadian signatures for the Korean Peace Appeal by this summer. If you haven't already signed the petition, now is your opportunity!
Follow the link to the petition here:
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